
PhD collaboration

Projects and PhDs

Here you can find information about some of the PhD-projects that we currently support as well as information about the PhDs. If you’re a PhD interested in collaborating with us, please visit the page linked below for more information on how to get involved.

PhD Student, Linköping University

Gustaf Söderholm

Project: PACE, Time in command and controll systems

Supervisor: Prof. Jonas Lundberg

Gustaf previously worked as a research assistant at LiU in the Department of Computer Science (IDA). In 2023, Gustaf began his doctoral studies at IDA and is expected to complete them in 2028.

Gustaf’s research project ‘PACE’ is focused on modelling time and timing in joint Human-AI collaboration. Time and timing are complex and research is needed on temporally-aware joint human-AI systems. Gustaf is working together with Kockums to create scenario used to test hypothesis and improve decision making. The goal is to develop theory and applications modelling aspects of time for operators and machines. Gustafs forskning kommer bland annat implementeras i WARA-PS:s Core-system.

“First and foremost, it is exhilarating to be a part of WARA-PS and a larger context, witnessing one’s research contribute to broader subjects like security and search and rescue.” – Gustaf Söderholm, 2024.

[email protected]

PhD student, Örebro University

Kavyaa Somasundaram

Supervisors: Amy Loutfi , ORU; Andrey Kiselev, ORU; GertJohansson, SAAB dynamics.

Kavyaa’s thesis domain is Detection and mitigation of human induced interaction failures in robot teleoperation (underwater robots).

Kavyaa’s research topic: "Failures are inevitable and natural in any human-robot interaction scenario. In my thesis, we focus on errors/failures induced by humans in the context of teleoperated robots. What happens when a human induces an error (mistakes, slips, lapses) during a teleoperated task? How detect these instances during the interaction and in what ways the robot can mitigate these error conditions? These are the primary questions that we focus and aim to explore.”

University profile

PhD student, KTH

Dzenan Lapandic

Supervisor: Prof. Bo Wahlberg

Dzenan Lapandic is a PhD Student at the Automatic Control Department at KTH Royal Institute of Technology under the supervision of Prof. Bo Wahlberg.

Dzenan research is focuses on theoretical frameworks and algorithms for coordination and control of underactuated unmanned aerial and surface vehicles, while considering environmental disturbances and safety constraints. These theoretical concepts have been put into practice through autonomous landing scenarios on surface vehicles.

By harnessing the resources provided by the research environment of WASP within the research arena for public safety (WARA-PS), Dzenan’s goal is to advance our knowledge of disturbance-aware planning and control for increasingly autonomous and safer unmanned vehicles in multiple domains.

Some of his recent publications are:

  • Kinodynamic Motion Planning via Funnel Control for Underactuated Unmanned Surface Vehicles
  • Trajectory Tracking and Prediction-Based Coordination of Underactuated Unmanned Vehicles

Learn more about Dzenan Lapandic’s reserch here.

PhD student, KTH

Pedro Roque


Supervisor: Prof. Dimos Dimarogonas

Pedro Roque is a Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP) Academic PhD Student associated with the division of Decision and Control Systems (DCS), at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. His topic is Predictive and Vision-based Control for Multi-Agent Aerial and Space Systems. He is supervised by Prof. Dimos Dimarogonas and co-supervised by Prof. Mikael Johansson and Prof. Jana Tumova. In his Ph.D., the focus is on practically applicable theoretical results. He is motivated by problems that can directly contribute to system performance and enhanced capabilities, particularly in the domains of aerial and space robotics - being them from an algorithmic, control-theoretic, or computational perspective. He is fond of open-source software and hardware and actively contributes to the NASA Astrobee and PX4 Autopilot codebases, used in his research through test sessions on the International Space Station and indoor flight arenas.

He is responsible for developing and maintaining the Space Robotics Laboratory at KTH, part of the DISCOWER NEST Project, and in collaboration with the KTH Space Center and KTH Integrated Transport Research Laboratory. At WARA-PS, he is working towards an integration of space systems into the arenas to leverage the large field-of-view provided by space-bound platforms on the demonstration scenarios performed in the arena.

PhD student, Chalmers

Ricardo Caldas

Supervisors: Prof. Patrizio Pelliccione and Prof. Thorsten Berger

Ricardo is a PhD candidate in Software Engineering. His research is about creating resilient robots that can keep going, despite the unknown. Resilient robots must be engineered to detect and mitigate unexpected behaviors arising from uncertainties in the environment or in the robot itself due to inaccuracies in sensors and actuators. As a key enabler to uncertainty mitigation in robotics, he studies cutting-edge software engineering techniques, from advanced software architecture for multi-robot systems coordination, control-theoretic self-adaptation of software components, and field-based testing (a.k.a. real-world validation) applied to ROS-based robotics. He is extending the WARA-PS platform to enable seamless and human-driven self-adaptation through human-machine teaming.

Ricardo is affiliated with EASElab (Empirical and Automated Software Eng. Lab), supervised by Prof. Patrizio Pelliccione and Prof. Thorsten Berger; with whom he conducted research on software engineering, including architecture, self-adaptation, verification, and validation of robotic systems.

Thesis Title: Software Engineering for Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems

Learn more about Ricardo D. Caldas.

PhD Student, Linköping University

Emil Wiman

Project: 3D Exploration Planning and Learning in Dynamic Uncertain Environments

Supervisors: Prof. Fredrik Heintz and Mattias Tiger

Emil received his Master of Science degree in Autonomous Systems from Linköping University in June 2023. Since August 2023, Emil has been enrolled as a WASP PhD Student in the Reasoning and Learning Lab (ReaL) at Linköping University under the supervision of Fredrik Heintz and Mattias Tiger. His research interest revolves around 3D exploration planning in dynamic and uncertain environments and how it can be connected to learning for enhanced performance and safety. Robust 3D exploration planning is an essential capability that most autonomous systems must possess to exist in the real world. Emil’s research investigates how these 3D exploration planning algorithms can be designed and deployed on real robotics platforms. Here, WARA-PS serves as the perfect testbed for deployment. Emil is working together with the WARA-PS Core team to realize this research.

Read Emils work here.