One of collaborating NEST-projects collaborating with WARA-PS is DYNamic Attack detection and mitigation for seCure autonomy (DYNACON) that will run from 2024 until 2029.
Control systems are at the heart of many indispensable societal functions, from energy distribution to pacemakers. Although we rely on these systems, cyber-physical controllers have been increasingly targeted by cyber attacks, from critical infrastructures such as power grids to commercial devices.
The aim of this NEST is to develop theory and rigorous tools for defense against cyber attacks on dynamical physical systems with time-critical controllers. DYNACON specifically target systems with a high degree of autonomy, such as drones. However, the results that we will develop are relevant in general to any multi-agent system with limited computational resources.

WARA-PS is also collaborating with the NEST – project “The Emergence of Complex Intelligent Systems and the Future of Management” (SECURE). SECURE address questions like - How can organizations be managed to responsibly contribute to, and benefit from, the emergence of artificial intelligence and complex intelligent systems? This is the overall question addressed by this project led by Nicolette Lakemond at Linköping University.
The project will provide insights into how decisions can be made concerning complex intelligent systems, how organizations can be designed, how they can work with others in ecosystems and how to harness complexity.
The project is also expected to provide new perspectives on decision-making that enable further considerations of, for example, ethical aspects.