Collaboration with PhDs
On this page you can find information about the onboarding process and activities for PhDs collaborating with WARA-PS. If you are interested in collaborating with WARA-PS, contact us for more information.
The onboarding process and activities consists of an introduction meeting, technical discussion, onboarding, data collections and field tests, and finally demonstration. All activities are described in greater detail below.

Introduction Meeting
The purpose of the introductory meeting is twofold. Firstly, it serves to inform the PhD student about WARA-PS, a collaborative platform that focuses on advancing research in autonomous systems and robotics. During this meeting, students are introduced to how WARA-PS operates, its objectives, and the resources available to them, such as datasets, tools, technical support, and hardware. Secondly, the meeting aims to create a common understanding for the PhDs research question and to generate a discussion about how the PhD can contribute to WARA-PS community and its development. This could include datasets created during the WARA-PS Data Collection Week, new tools or services, analyses of existing datasets, etc.

Technical Discussion
After the initial meeting a technical discussion is held. The technical discussion focuses on identifying the technical resources necessary for the PhD students’ work and determining how existing resources can support or be adapted to meet their research needs. If there is a need to acquire additional resources, WARA-PS can support you with this.
Examples of technical resources within the WARA-PS community include platforms like autonomous boats (Mini-USVs), drones (Mini-UAVs), and rovers (Mini-UGVs), as well as various tools and services at both high and low levels. These include:
- A common communication framework for MQTT and ROS
- Graphical user interfaces for visualization and control
- Development platforms for various programming languages
- Simulation resources
See all technical resources available on the technical resources page.

The onboarding process is designed to ensure that the PhD student comprehends the various components of the WARA-PS Core System, how they are structured, interact with each other, and how the researcher can use the Core System for their research. This process combines both theoretical and practical elements to gradually educate the student, enabling them to effectively plan and execute their research process. The onboarding can be done through specific sessions for groups or individuals, or in conjunction with other events such as the summer school. This provides flexibility and personalized learning.
Contact us to arrange an onboarding session or check our calendar for upcoming events.

Data Collection and Field Tests
When the onboarding has been completed, the next step is for the PhD student to plan for how to utilize WARA-PS resources, which methods and tools are necessary, and develop a comprehensive plan for their work. This plan is created in collaboration with contacts from both the university and the WARA-PS Core Team.
Before formal data collection begins, students should be well prepared by having tested their theories, conducted trial runs, and established a test plan to ensure a productive data collection and relevance to their research. Data collection is typically conducted in various ways. Normally, PhD students gather at Gränsö during the WARA-PS Data Collection Week in May to utilize the on-site resources. An additional follow-up data collection may occur during the WARA-PS Preparation Week in September.
Data collections can also be arranged on request in coordination with the WARA-PS Core Team if necessary. If a student chooses to conduct data collection separately, the required WARA-PS resources must be planned in advance to ensure a successful and efficient research process.
Data collections and field tests can be conducted throughout the PhDs time as a student collaborating with WARA-PS.

When PhDs have reached a state in their research process where they can present findings, demonstrate results or demonstrate the process of collecting data they are expected to do so. The WARA-PS Demonstration Week is an event at Gränsö in Västervik where representatives from industry, academia and government meet to discuss research and innovation within the field of public safety.
During the WARA-PS Demonstration Week, students have the opportunity to present their research in booths, where they can interact directly with attendees, discuss their methodologies, and demonstrate their findings. Additionally, students may give presentations from the main stage, providing a broader audience with insights into their research contributions and the potential impact of their work. Finally, students can present their work through demonstrations using the resources provided by WARA-PS.
To participate in the WARA-PS Demonstration Week, students has to meet specific criteria. Primarily, they must have completed their data collection or conducted simulations to supplement their research. This ensures that the work presented is comprehensive and well supported through tests. Furthermore, students are encouraged to present their work in a clear and engaging manner, whether through interactive demonstrations, or presentations.
PhDs can participate at the WARA-PS Demonstration Week to demonstrate their research throughout their time as a PhD student.