Real Time Kinematic (RTK) GPS systems are high accuracy positioning systems, in WARA-PS nRTK (network Real Time Kinematics) are used. The system can easily be integrated with different types of vehicles and platforms, making them compatible with different types of UxV’s thar are available in the research arena. The RTK GPS systems used in WARA-PS comes from another project that Combitech is a part of called DRIWS (Digital Runway Incursion Warning System), focused on improving safety at airports by using high accuracy positioning to help prevent collisions between vehicles on the runway and airplanes.
Examples of usage in WARA-PS are in collaborative heterogenous systems, such as cooperative landings in which a quadcopter lands on a boat. It can also be of help when a quadcopter drops objects near people in water, to avoid hitting them. High accuracy positioning within the domain of public safety is necessary both for efficiency and to ensure that the systems themselves are safe to use.