The Mini-USV is a highly flexible platform for integration, mainly directed towards researcher in the project who wants to integrate their research results with hardware and perform tests. Due to its small size and accessibility, it is an easier and more flexible option when it comes to testing than the Piraya or CB90, of which there are only a few available during shorter periods of time during the events at Gränsö. It can also be borrowed for tests at other locations if needed.
The Mini-USVs are MQTT-agents, however they can be configured to ROS2 or other configurations. The Mini-USVs are categorized as WARA-PS Core System level 2 agents, if you want to learn more about the WARA-PS agent-levels, please go to the Core System – Agents page.
In WARA-PS we have multiple Mini-USV that are available, meaning that they can be used for research regarding swarm robotics and swarm control for example. They have also been used in research on collision avoidance. Each unit has a Raspberry Pi, thus making them programmable using Python. As a result of this, it is easy to integrate your own code into the Mini-USVs to conduct field tests and data collections. Furthermore, the Mini-USVs are equipped with the hardware Pixhawk containing the software ArduPilot SITL. ArduPilot SITL is a control system simulation that allows for the user to switch between real world tests and simulated tests. More information about ArduPilot SITL is available on the Core System – Agents page.