Evolo is an unmanned hydrofoiling platform developed at the KTH Maritime Robotics Laboratory as a research tool for advancing maritime robotics and control systems. Built on experiences from decades of hydrofoiling technology research, it plays a key role in the lab’s mission to push the boundaries of this field. Originally a recreational E-foiler—an electrically propelled foiling board—Evolo has been transformed into a research platform equipped with advanced sensors, an advanced flight controller, and actuators. At low speeds, it relies on static buoyancy for flotation, but once reaching hydrofoil “take-off” speed, the flight controller autonomously regulates altitude, pitch, and roll to maintain stable operation.
Evolo has undergone quite extensive field testing in a variety of environments, from confined flat waters requiring precision control and agile maneuvering to archipelago conditions and open-sea operations at quite high sea state. Its modular architecture allows for customization to suit different mission objectives, payload configurations, and environmental conditions. This adaptability, combined with proven reliability, makes Evolo a vital tool for advancing autonomy, control systems, and maritime robotics research.
Evolo is being equipped with a good sensor suite to support research and development on e.g. maritime obstacle detection, obstacle tracking, obstacle avoidance as well as side scan sonars for various studies. The platform also house a motion compensated FPV camera system with head tracking.
If you want to know more about the platform, contact Jakob Kuttenkeuler at [email protected] or +46 70-3464240.