A Multi-Domain Community
WARA-PS offers the possibility to conduct research projects in multiple research areas to both PhD’s, and industry representatives. Examples of areas where previous research has been conducted include operator assistance using augmented reality to improve operator situation awareness, collision avoidance based on closed loop perception, command and control of UAV/USV fleet in Search and Rescue missions. Furthermore, research topics such as resource management over large networks, self-awareness and distributed data sharing, and autonomous anomaly detection have been explored.
More examples can be found on the WARA-PS page on the WASP site. By joining the WARA-PS community you get access to unique resources, a network that enables research, and a forum where research results can be presented and demonstrated. Through the community and research projects, WARA-PS strives to create a safer future. If you are interested in connecting with us, or to discuss potential projects, please feel free to contact us.

The Future of Artifical Intelligence, Autonomous Systems, and Software
The research within WASP is focused on artificial intelligence and autonomous systems acting in collaboration with humans, adapting to and learning from their environment, forming intelligent systems-of-systems.
The main objectives of the WASP Research Arenas (WARAs) are to increase the value and relevance of research and to shorten knowledge transfer between academia and industry. The arenas offer technical support combined with a friendly and collaborative environment that strengthens and facilitates collaborations between WASP researchers and industry partners.
Through the research arenas, system-level platforms and testbed scenarios far beyond the reach of individual university labs, are made available for research. The networks around the arenas are also incorporated in other parts of WASP such as in the PhD project course and other research initiatives. For more information about WASP, please visit the WASP website.

Share and Access Resources
WARA-PS Media is a storage location for resources in the WARA-PS project. Through WARA-PS Media, you get access to a variety of assets such as videos, models, and datasets. As a user you can also upload resources, thus allowing them to be utilized in the project. To get access to WARA-PS Media, you will need an account. If you do not have an account already, you can get one by contacting us.